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Environmental Anthropology
Environmental Humanities

The following courses, are the ones I felt I took away most from my four years at Ithaca College

How do you relate to the natural world? In Topics in Environmental Humanities we investigate some controversial questions that sit at the core of our moral connection with nature. We will explore the moral relationship of human beings with how we value the natural world and will discuss how our perception and goals have changed over time

In this course focus especially on ways that cultural groups interact with their environments, cultural and environmental changes, and problems and controversies that stem out of these changes. We also examine how environmental and political changes have restricted some populations’ abilities to live a healthy lives through traditional means, and explore strategies that may provide alternatives. 

We researched Thematic Mapping images of the locaiton of our choice.  We were required to come up with a research question, run our images through moduels on the program Idrisi, then present on our findings at the end of the semester.


More on this course can be found in the "Projects" tab...

The course was centered on issues in environmental science, such as global climate change, water and air pollution, availability of food resources, loss of forest and soil resources and the role that technology has played in the past, and can play in the future in these issues. We discussed technologies that result in “business as usual” such as the role of fossil fuels in global climate change and also discuss technologies, such as renewable energy sources, that can be creative solutions to lessen our negative impact on our environment.

Senior Research
Enviornmental Science and Technology

Relevent Courses

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